It was the middle of the Reagan years. How would we survive? No longer beginners, we started to hit our stride, continuing to merge the personal and the political with pathos (Find a Man, Jake’s Choice) and humor (Haagen-Dazs, Don’t Slow Me Down). Our local concerts started selling out quickly. Shortly after releasing this album, we lived up to our name by having three more children within seven months. Would we let that slow us down? Okay, yeah, maybe; but only a little bit.
*(You can purchase the cassette directly from The Righteous Mothers for $10 plus $2 for shipping and handling. Contact us for more information. Digital streaming and downloads available on BANDCAMP.com . The vinyl version is no longer available.)
What Can You Do?
Find A Man
Don’t Slow Me Down
Jake’s Choice
Slime Line
Haagen Dazs
The Ugly Wugly Blues
Different But the Same
Not Lovin’ You Never Even Crossed My Mind
The Restless In Me
Hard Times Come Again No More